If you are reading this, you are blessed to be alive and enjoying another Christmas Eve!
The excitement is rising for the kids and many big kids in anticipation of opening the lovely gift bags that have been placed under the tree! For many, it is a busy day of getting the turkey stuffed and placed in the oven. Soon the house will be filled with the comfort of that lovely aroma, just thinking about it makes us hungry!
On the flip side, in a bit more than twenty four hours, the last wrap will be torn, the dishes piled into the dishwasher, and the kids exhausted from all the excitement. Parents will want to put their feet up, take a deep breath and relax.
Will Christmas be over for another year…it doesn’t have to be! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten(one of a kind) Son, that whosoever believes in Him should NOT perish but have everlasting life”. John 3:16.
This great gift God gave can be opened year round…God gave His precious Son so you and I could have a wonderful relationship with Him now and for eternity…what greater gift could we ever have…one we can open all year round, yes, Christmas all year round!
