Moms are Only as Happy as their Saddest Child
For most moms, holding that precious little one in your arms for the very first
time, you could never have imagined the overflow of love alongside the
protective instinct that kicks in. Right from that very moment, a bond forms that
is indescribable! You find yourself simply amazed at how a total person can exist
in such a tiny body! You count the fingers, toes and giggle at every little move or
squeak your tiny bundle makes.
A Mother’s love never changes…
Amazingly, those same feelings remain all through the years. As your son or
daughter grows, your love, support and protective instinct does not change…it
remains strong. Oh yes, you may not always agree with their behaviour or actions,
they disappoint you, hurt you, make you laugh, cry, and even anger you at times.
You find yourself scolding, correcting, and even yelling at them (who said good
moms never yelled) but we are never amused when someone else corrects, scolds
or yells at our kids (even if they deserve it).
God’s love never changes…
Mom, let me remind you that the love God has for you never changes. Whether
you disappoint our Heavenly Father or even hurt Him at times, His love for you
remains strong, His protectiveness for you never diminishes with time. Even
though it is hard to fathom, only the love of God can surpass the awesome ability
God gave a mother to love her child.
So, mom, the next time you feel alone, or unloved, think of your undying love for
your child and then remember the immeasurable love that God has for you!
