As children, many of you would play Hide and Seek. You would have that special place, that secret place where you would run and hide! No one could ever find you was the feeling as you nestled ever so quietly in that small corner of the closet.
In a world with so much craziness, you may sometime feel like running and hiding again. You want to flee all the noise and for just a few short minutes be in that safe place where no one can find you. You can close your eyes and take a long deep breath. The hustle and bustle will float by while the quietness of that secret place brings a much needed break from your day.
The Psalmist seemed to recognize that we need that place in our lives.
It reads in Psalm 91:1
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. “ (Amp. Classic Edition)
This secret place, the best safe place where you can run, is the place God provides when you draw close to Him. The great thing about this place is that you never have to leave. You can live in this place 24/7 as you go about your daily responsibilities. God will take care of you. When you live so close to God, you are in His shadow, He will protect you from the enemy. Living in this secret place, a place that can only be found as you spend time with God, will bring a stability to your life that nothing else can.
Take time today to find that secret place. It will be the best place, offering true tranquility and peace.
